Humanizing Your Brand

With thousands of advertisements and promotions bombarding consumers every day, their mindset has shifted and became less and less trusting of faceless corporations. This distrust roots from the consumer’s knowledge that business entities will do and say just about anything to generate sales. By Alab June Feb 20, 2018

Humanizing Your Brand

With thousands of advertisements and promotions bombarding consumers every day, their mindset has shifted and became less and less trusting of faceless corporations. This distrust roots from the consumer’s knowledge that business entities will do and say just about anything to generate sales.

In a case such as yours, the comic artist, there is a tendency for your audience to feel a personal connection with you - after all, all forms of art, in some way, connect to people in a special, an intimate way.

Still, that being said, if your audience senses insincerity on your end, or that you do not possess a genuine character, you might be chucked into the abyss of snubbed brands by consumers.

And my dears it’s a long way down.

You’ll have a much harder time climbing your way from that abyss than to just perform the necessary adjustments now. The key, and you may have heard of this before, is to humanize your brand.

Let your readers get to know you. Get a bit more personal and do something else besides uploading your art. Engage with them or share stories in the form of photos, videos, or blogs. Here’s an idea: you can even ask their suggestions or opinions on your next art.

Your audience needs to see your face and your personality. Without them, your whole brand will be drab. What’s so unique about you? It doesn’t have to be about art — it can be about your other interests. From time to time, you can talk about them. Just remember not to make it excessive and overblown. Do not put up an act, it’s an overkill. Soon, you will become annoying.

If you’re feeling a little self-conscious, just remember that your fans already like you without even having met you. They will be thrilled once they do.

Remember to be careful, though. For sensitive topics, ensure that you say and execute things right and with consciousness. You don’t want to be another case of Logan Paul (¡escándalo!). It will create a serious blow to your brand, and down into the abyss you fall.

Is this too much work? For some, perhaps. However, you ought to remind yourself that this is a business you chose to do, and businesses have plans and strategies. This is just one of the few vitals. All that is required of you is to make your audience feel that they are engaging with a real person — which they are! Don’t be a plain business to their eyes. Be a friend.

Remember, your art will attract fans, but a personal connection between and them will compel them to stay.